17 December, 2012

Praying Mantis

This giant praying mantis was enjoying my red climber but he was a tad bit agressive when I got the camera out and looking at the photos I saw why, he is missing part of his front leg, his praying parts, poor thing.

07 December, 2012

Succulent flowers

The grey succulents in my garden are blooming, pretty orange flowers with yellow centres, so beautiful!
Cotyledon orbiculata is the name of this plant.

05 November, 2012

Broome, Gantheaume Point, rocks

I got so carried away with the natural art works in the rocks at Gantheaume Point that I had troubles stopping making photos. If I could I had measured the whole rock formation and photographed every single centimeter of it. So beautiful are the vibrant reds, oranges, yellows and everything in between.

Broome, Gantheaume Point, seaweeds

First I thought it was some kind of fish or sea creatures eggs, but then it looks more like a plant... or is it slightly different?

Is it one creature or is it a stone covered in a lot of little creatures? Alive like animals or like plants?

And some weird other things, especially this blue stuff. A chemical colour of light blue was attached to several spots on the rocks at low tide.

03 October, 2012


Everlastings on the road from Moora to Badgingarra WA.

02 October, 2012

Wildflower season WA

Two weeks ago we went for a weekend camping up  north to see the wildflowes. We drove up north via Bindoon and took then the Bindoon-Moora Road to Moora. The landscape was beautiful green and some of the fields were dotted with yellow flowers. But only on the way from Moora to Badgingarra we spotted a lot of different flowers and parts dotted with Everlastings. And in Leseur National Park were heaps of  bright red Kangaroo paws.