I've already spend too much time trying to find the name of this beauty. There are so many wildflowers around in spring in Western Australia that you need at least twenty books to categorise them...
The sun was hot this morning when we walked to the beach while this bright white rose was peeping over an ugly asbestos fence to make our day. Look at that delicate centre!
This hairy beast is eating the tender green leaves of my sprouting vines, it's beautiful though, with its tufts of longs hairs sticking out of it's body. I think it's the caterpillar for the Tiger moth.
This funny creature was hiding in my jasmine bush when he saw my camera, but as he was a bit nosy as well he came forward again to have a better look at the strange one eyed creature coming very close... It's a jumping spider by the way!
These tiny beetles were in great numbers on the flowers in my garden today. They are barely bigger than a pin head. I can't see much damage so they must be coming for the sweet stuff in the middle.
These curly banksia cones are growing in Kings Park were we had a nice walk last Sunday. One is showing the closed seed pods and the other is already opened up. It looks like the eyes, or the mouths, of the Simpsons ;)
The bush tracks in Kings Park are full of wild flowers at the moment as it is wildflower season and Kings Park celebrates it's yearly spring festival. These beautiful Kangaroo Paws were blooming in abundance and the hairy stems and flowers always make me want to touch them. Kangaroo Paws are only native to the south west of Western Australia. There are all kind of color variaties but the Red and Green Kangaroo Paw was proclaimed the floral emblem of Western Australia in 1960.
These ants were busy along the road from Dwellinup to the Great Southern Highway. There were heaps of little holes, the size of a pencil in diameter, and a lot of ants criscrossing the area seemingly walking around without any purpose but I am sure they had a good reason to do so!
Nothing can compare to the original shapes of flora and fauna. Life is beautiful and while wandering around I regularly have a lucky find of some real pretty things. I used to take them home but nowadays I take my digital camera with me and leave them in place. They are my inspiration!