Yesterday we cycled along the Swan River and came across this big flock of Black Cockatoos. You first hear them before you discover they are all over the trees on the north bank of the river near Mosman Park.
This is Kiki, my young raven who is visiting me every day since that big storm in March. Always keen for a morsel of food and a play with my hair. Here he is sitting in the mulberrie tree which is rapidly losing its leaves for winter.
This beautiful species of sundew was growing on the rocks south of Perth. We were doing part of the Bibulmun track, called the three mountains walk, yesterday. It was a beautiful winters day for a hike!
Nothing can compare to the original shapes of flora and fauna. Life is beautiful and while wandering around I regularly have a lucky find of some real pretty things. I used to take them home but nowadays I take my digital camera with me and leave them in place. They are my inspiration!