27 January, 2010

My chooks

I've bought these two ladies end of June when they were still spring chickens. Now they have grown proper combs and other floppy stuff growing from their heads. They are good egg producers but always hungry. And although they are real lookalikes you can see in these portrets how different they are. Meet Ethel and Dotty.

25 January, 2010


I am in a dilemma of what to do...

Last year I won a 3x3M stand at the Furniture show in Sydney with my sustainable Zeopod poufs; The Edge Design and Innovation Best Green Design 2009

But being an industrial designer winning a stand is a bit weird. I don't sell anything besides my services and I wasn't allowed to forward the stand to my clients or share it with some students.

I had good hopes to get the outdoor setting I've designed for a volunteer project with my cousin Angela from Creative Mums in Manly ready before the start of the fair but that doesn't seem to happen.
The show is next week...
So what can I do last minute to show something? I can bring my smallest Zeopod with me in the plane. But only one pouf in a 3x3M stand looks a bit lonely...
If I can manage to bring both, the small and the big one it's already a bit better, but still not enough. I have no extra budget as I've spent the little budget I had already on air tickets and hotel.

So my dilemma is do I just leave the stand empty and have a short holiday in Sydney or do I make a fool of myself and bring the one Zeopod and sit on it in the middle of my stand with my laptop to show people, who might get interested by seeing a mere empty stand, what my services as an industrial designer, with over 20 years of experience in furniture design, are?

Why don't they give you a two page interview in a design magazine or a voucher for a book or something like that when you win a design award?

I had a good chat this morning with the organisation and I can defer the stand to next year which is great!!! As it's such a pity to not use the opportunity and now I know about what's possible and what not, as I thought the organisation was pretty in-flexible. So next year, 2011, there will be a great Deseos Design stand in Sydney!

24 January, 2010


Just an open mussel in the Swan River near Claremont jetty... or is it another love heart?

21 January, 2010


There are not many veggies surviving a hot summer here in Perth but the peppers are growing like mad no matter how hot.

20 January, 2010


This year for the first time in the five summers we live here we are getting grapes. The summer is harsh and I wonder how the grapes you find on the markets can be so clean and perfect while mine are having little spots and the bunches are not as full as they should be. But than I must recall that I don't use any pesticides in the garden!
I am looking forward to the sweet taste, only a few more weeks and they might be ready to eat!

18 January, 2010


My left eye iris.

16 January, 2010

Tiger Lily

This beautiful Tiger Lily is blooming in my garden and I pay special attention to it being a Tiger according the Chinese Zodiac with the upcoming year of the Golden Tiger starting on Valentines Day.

15 January, 2010

Playing with shadow

This morning I noticed the shadow creating patterns on my leg and I was fascinated by it. Why can't we wear shadows in hot summers instead of textiles?

14 January, 2010

12 January, 2010


This healthy and much fatter monitor was photographed by Helen, my Dutch friend, at Contos campground.

07 January, 2010


This skinny guy we met along the Cape track on day four he was walking on the path in a burned area, not sure it it was a regulated burned area or an accident. Only know that this fellow is looking pretty hungry to me. Look at his lose skin hanging of his body, poor thing.

06 January, 2010

More seaweed

Also along the coast at Leeuwin NP. This seaweed has a beautiful texture, if we could use that instead of plastic...

05 January, 2010


Walking along the coastline of Leeuwin National Park there was not that much seaweed this time of year but once in a while we came across a few nice things like these little bags of water feeling very jelly like. And the crinkled leafs, fresh leatherly salads from the sea.

02 January, 2010


This fluffy grass is growing along parts of the Cape to Cape track we did last week. Six days it took us to walk the 135km walk along the coast in the south between Dunsborough and Augusta.