This huge bright green caterpillar, bigger than my largest finger, was hiding in my pot of almost died strawberry plants. Curled up it didn't look that big... I think this part is it's head and the part with the brown hook is it's rear... not sure. I've tried to locate him again but can't find him, I assume he is trying to cocoon and get ready to be a huge butterfly?
I was storing away photos from the last year starting with December last year and came across this forgotten tiny spider hiding in the wild jasmin along the pool. He is almost transparant and very pretty with the brown accent on it's back.
Every Friday night during the warmer months we meet up with friends at the beach in Cottesloe to enjoy the sunset and start the weekend with some relaxed chatter and a glass of wine. The seagulls are often part of our company, this pretty one was looking down on us...
I bought yellow pepper seedlings this spring and now they are blossoming. I am looking forward to taste them, see if they are as hot as the red ones from last year.
Remember the flowers in the Triangle Palm in February? This is how it looks now; tiny yellow fruits, not sure if they end up being a flower or an edible fruit for birds or so...
We have the old variaty of the mulberry in our garden and while all other mulberries are fruiting at the moment we have to wait until Christmas for some juicy fruits.
Since Tuesday evening I have four chicks; the little bantam was broody for the third time and I got some fertilised eggs from a friend which she has brought from Balingup down south three weeks ago. And Tuesday night all four eggs where cracked when I came home from work, two chickies were still wet so it had just happened. These photos of one of the lighter yellow chicks with speckles were made this morning, 3.5 days after the birth, they grow very fast.
This wasp was busy with a huge parcel of honey on my basil, not sure if she was kneading the honey or what she was doing in the basil, as there are no flowers there...
There are quite a few big shells on the beach. Their shapes always intrigue me, so ingenious. This one had the shine of mother of pearl on top, will need to rub off a bit to get more of it.
A few weeks back when I was in Kings Park I spend some time in searching for the thorn tree I'd seen a few years ago during one of the guided walks. It's such a special tree; the bark is completely covered in very sharp pointy thorns and even the branches have big thorns. I don't know what all those spikes are protecting as there weren't many leaves or flowers on the tree and I can't find much information on it.
I don't like these funny like monkeys screaming birds anymore since I know they eat all my fish from the pond. Everytime I hear them in the garden I know I will have less goldfish the next morning...
Spring is in the air! The ornamental peach tree in our garden has two types of blossom; this bright pink one and a stripy white and pink one. I am so annoyed the people who lived here before planted an ornamental peach, why not a real one with fruit...???
I'd never seen this blooming bush before, it looks like a pink-grey-green bush but if you come closer you see that the flowers are like bells and heaps of bees where swarming in and out to have a nibble on the stamens.
Nothing can compare to the original shapes of flora and fauna. Life is beautiful and while wandering around I regularly have a lucky find of some real pretty things. I used to take them home but nowadays I take my digital camera with me and leave them in place. They are my inspiration!